Monday, June 11, 2012

The Africa They Never Show You

So today I stumbled on a Youtube video that was meant to portray the standard of living in Africa and the african people but instead it portrayed how dark the African continent is. I died a little inside as I patiently waited for the video to show the beautiful side of the African Continent and how blessed and beautiful Africa is. But the video never did. Instead the video portrayed Africa and Africans as poor and showed the huts, the famine, the diseases, wars and suffering but they never showed the beautiful side of Africa, the happy people who live there and that not every African is poor and suffering. Well im not.jk

I went to Nigeria (my country) for the winter break, and believe me it was beyond amazing.

Cutest Beach house ever

I made love on the beach. literally lol

My favorite sport- Polo



Monday, June 4, 2012


I am really the kind of person that leaves a mark everywhere I go, no matter how short I was in the place for I stay unforgotten.  The spotlight really does find me, quite along with trouble.   I always leave a long lasting impression that lingers on the mind of everyone;  I stand out from the crowd distinctively.  Had this conversation with my mom and my sister a couple of days ago and in my solitary moments it got me thinking.  Is it my height, my smile, my physical appearance, my morals or my way with words?

And later on my mum said to me you are naturally blessed with leaving impressions on the minds of people but the only way you can leave your footprint on the sands of times is to touch the lives of others.  Those words really struck me and I have really been thinking of how I can leave footprints that would outlive me.  One thing I am certain of is that in the future I am going to establish a Nongovernmental organization that would rehabilitate victims of rape and sexual abuse.  But it would take between six to seven years before this can become realistic and there is still so much I can change and do before then.  I really did not know what that calling was and I decided to take some days off everything and search soul deep and now I have decided to volunteer along with my boss to read and facilitate motivational speeches in a middle school a few blocks from my school.  I am really excited and thrilled about this opportunity because I get to meet young people and influence their career decisions and life choices and even serve as a role model and mentor to them. My goal is to change the lives of others, even if it is one at a time.  A french adage I love so much says “Petit a petit, l'oiseau fait son nid”,

Bottom line is Be the change you want to see in the world. No matter how little, your input in changing the world matters. Be the reason someone would stop committing a crime, quit an addiction or stop committing sin. 

Stay Blessed.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Painful Truth

"Many youths who expect a bright future have nothing awaiting them but emptiness.  The future lost to fornication can only be recovered through Jesus Christ"-  Pastor E.A Adeboye


Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Worlds Greatest Book

Bible: /ˈbībəl/

The word of God consistently fuels my soul. Read this today and was so blessed by it and thought I should share it.  The Bible is really the worlds greatest book. The Bible is the inerrant word of God and has answers to every question you might have and there is nothing you're going through now, you would ever go through or you went through that the Bible does not have words of wisdom, advice and encouragement for.  The only thing that you need to do is trust that He's got you and believe and have faith in Him.  One thing that fascinates me the most about the Bible is how it cuts across every earthly topic and issue from Love, Marriage, Sexual Immorality, Murder a.b.b.l.. The Bible was written thousands of years ago and it is still so real.  I strongly believe that any other ordinary book that was written at that time or a few years after that would have become outdated and I might not even be able to relate to the book.  Hebrews 4:12 says "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword....". I implore you all to take a couple of minutes every day to meditate on the word of God, even if it is only a verse for the word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

Stay Blessed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012



This is my very first post ever and those who know me well know that I am a very passionate and enthusiastic somebody.  I am very passionate about food, music, fashion, art and I love expressing myself.  I am highly and very opinionated; I am that girl that has something to say about everything and everyone and this blog would do just that.  It would talk about my personal life (At least what I think the world wide web should know), it will share my stories (I am full of them) and my thoughts and views on various issues in the world (I am the worlds greatest critic).

I love expressing myself and standing up for what I believe in and fighting for the rights of others which explains why I am (going to be) a lawyer.  I will share videos, articles, reviews and stories that I find generally interesting and sometimes educative.  I am a student of politics, so my blog would also talk about politics and social issues and all that is wrong with the world in which we live in.

I would be posting various things regularly and I would try my best to work this blog around my schedule. (Keyword: try).  Nothing I say here would describe me completely, I'm not the average human being- to be frank with you, I have issues (both mental and spiritual).  And please make sure you leave your comments, I would really like to know your opinion. As much as I make myself believe I am always right in every argument (don't judge me....Im a lawyer) i would still respect your opinion and appreciate if you could leave your comments.

Stay Blessed.

Caveat Lector:
Please don't take anything I say seriously.. You're doing that at your own personal risk